27 November 2018


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How many birds are there in the sky?
Before they leave my life
How many kinds of love will I have?
Before they make me cry
How many husbands will I have?
Pretending they marry with me

(the answer my friend is sailing in the sea x4)

How many stars are there in the space?
Before they can't shine more than now
How many styles of people are there?
Before they change their lifes
How many soldiers can leave the worst war?
Before a bombe take their lifes

(the answer my friend is sailing in the sea x4)

Lucía Quintanilla
Ana Martín
Carla Muñoz
Blanca Sanz

22 November 2018


                                                  PROYECT II:

  • How would you describe the "program music"?(2-3lines):
         It is the one whose fundamental element is music. In it, indications of the station a         interspersed with the presentation and audition of musical themes. They can be done             in one or two voices, although the most advisable thing is that each speaker presents a different songs.

  • Choose one of the nexts examples and do some research about the composer(4-5 lines):
          I choose Antonio Lucio Vivaldi was born in Venice on March 4, in 1678. He was a composer, violinist, impresario, teacher and Venetian Catholic priest of the Baroque. He was nicknamed prete rosso ("The red priest") for being a priest and a redhead. His mastery is reflected in having cemented the genre of the concert, the most important of his time.2 He composed some 770 works, among which there are more than 400 concerts and about 46 operas. He is especially known, at the popular level, for being the author of the series of concerts for violin and orchestra The Four Seasons.

  • This is the musical pìece we are playing in class.Do you beilive the composer transmits the the tittle meaning in a good manner?Why?
         Yes.Because the composer usually put the name the song in relation to what the song speaks.

21 November 2018


                                          PROYECT I:

  • Which one do you prefer?Why?(2-3 lines):
          I prefer the first, because it is the original version and I like also he play the guitar while he sing and it makes a good mixture.

  • Who was Bob Dylan?(2-3 lines):
         He is a Singer and American composer of folk and rock, one of the great figures of contemporary music, whose musical production made him a reference among the singer-songwriters.

  • Make a writting about the sixties(4-5 lines):
          To talk about the music of the 60s is to talk about rock. The music of the 60s was undoubtedly the bearer of an explosion of changes in the world. Fashion, society and politics changed forever. Women's liberation and the fight against racial discrimination were two outstanding features.
 A bubbling social context was the great stage that moved the artists. Rock and roll stopped being banned and the bands imposed themselves as fashionable icons


                                                   Part 1:

  • Does sadness or melancholy belong to music?: 
          Yes, of course. There are moments where sadness is more evident and other times melancholy.

  • Or must music always make you feel happy or glad?
No. The music can make differents feeling.



  1. What is strength as basic physical ability? 
  • The Force is the ability to overcome a resistance or to face it through a muscular effort (tension).
     2. How many types of strenght are there? Explain them and give an example of each of them.
  • Maximum Force: It is the maximum weight that we can mobilize. Example: Halterofília. .

  • Explosive Force: It is the manifestation of force quickly. Example: A long jumper.

  • Resistance force: It is the ability to maintain strength for a prolonged period of time.



  1. What is flexibility as basic physical capacity? 
  • It´s allows highlighting the disposition of an individual or object to be bent easily, the condition of folding according to the will of others, to adapt to changes.
      2. What factors does flexibility depend on?

    2.1 Joint mobility or movement possibilities of joint:
  • The characteristics of each articulation determine the amplitude of the movements that can be achieved in each one of them.
    2.2 Agonist muscle strength:
  • The musculature responsible for producing the action must be strong enough to, in its contraction, bring the segment or part of the body to its position of maximum amplitud.
    2.3 Muscle elasticity:
  • The muscle subjected to a sufficient force yields and increases its length, once the cause that caused this lengthening has given way, the muscle returns to its primitive extension. This ability of the muscle to elongate and then return to its initial state, is what is called "elasticitied.
     2.4 Intermuscular coordination:
  • In any movement, even when it is done with a goal of developing flexibility; This is the result of the joint participation of different muscle groups that must act in an orderly manner in terms of time and tension. If this were not so, the movement would not be synchronized

13 November 2018



  1. What is endurance as basic physical ability?
  • Resistance is one of the 4 basic physical abilities. It is the ability to maintain a physical effort    for a long time.

      2. How many types of endurance are there? Explain them and give an example of each of                them.

          -Aerobic Resistance: Refers to efforts of soft and prolonged intensity. There is no lack of                     oxygen.
          -Anaerobic Resistance: It refers to high intensity and short duration efforts. There is a lack of               oxygen.
      3. How can I improve my endurance? Explain two exercices to improve aerobic endurance:
  • Running long distances at a moderate pace.
  • Bicycle or elliptical at high intensity.
  • Jump rope
  • Up and down stairs
  • Training circuits.
  • Swim

         ºAEROBIC:                                                                                    ºANAEROBIC:
Resultado de imagen de resistencia aNAEROBICA ejemplosResultado de imagen de resistencia aerobica ejemplos

10 November 2018

Vocabulary Music


  1. Staff: pentagrama                                                 19. Noise: ruido
  2. Treble clef: clave de sol                                       20. Pitch: altura
  3. Recorder: flauta dulce                                          21. Hight-pitched: agudo
  4. Note: nota                                                             22. Low-pitched: grave
  5. Rest: silencio (como signo de pentagrama)          23. Melody: melodía
  6. Silence: silencio (en general)                                24. Duration: duración
  7. Whole note: redonda                                             25. Long: largo
  8. Half note: blanca                                                   26. Short: corto
  9. Quarter note: negra                                               27. Choir: coro
  10. Eight note: corchea                                               28. Chord: acorde
  11. Tone: tono                                                             29. Semitone: semitono
  12. Accidentals: alteraciones                                      30. Sharp: sostenido
  13. Flat: bemol                                                            31. Keyboard: teclado
  14. Guitar: guitarra                                                      32. String: cuerda
  15. Fret: traste                                                             33. Bass: bajo
  16. Interval: intervalo                                                 34. Ascending: descendente
  17. Ascending: ascendente                                          35. Major scale: escala mayor
  18. Play: tocar




  • Hoodie: capucha
  • Sweatshirt: camisa de entrenamiento 
  • Tracksuit: chándal                                                                                                               
  • Pavement: pavimento
  • Azul marino: navy blue
  • Soap: jabón
  • Pillow: almohada
  • Whisper: susurrar - speak to a person very quietly