27 March 2019



1. What can I do now that I couldn't do before?
Now more vocabulary and more grammar therefore I understand and speak better English.

2. What do I like most?
     I like most de reading.

3. What do I do well?
I do grammar and writing exercises better.

4. What am I confused about?
I believe that in listening and in some pronunciations of some words.

5. What do I need help with?
I need help in pronunciation and listening.

6. What do I do in English outside the class?
    I do the exercises that are sent, I study daily. I do exercises on the computer and I also go to classes two days a week.

7. What do I need to improve?
    The listening, writing.

8. What did I learn about culture?
     Everything that Abi explains in class.

18 March 2019


  • Thumb: pulgar 
  • Pollution: contaminacion 
  • Greenhouse gas: gases de efecto invernadero
  • Fossil fuels: combustible fósil
  • Flu: gripe


Unit 4:
  • Messy: sucio 
  • Net: red
  • Earn: ganar dinero
  • Pleased: satisfecho

12 March 2019


Power Point                                                                        Resultado de imagen de fagot / bassoon mas caro

06 March 2019



The keyboard 

Resultado de imagen de imagen piano


                                                        PROJECT III

1) What period does the Middle Ages cover?
     The average age covers from the fall of the Western Roman Empire, in 476, to the discovery of America, in 1492.

2) What general characteristics does it have (according to the teacher’s comments)?
1. Two stages: -high Middle Ages -low Middle Ages
2. Feudalism: the nobility, the clergy and the peasants.
3. Culture.
4. Agriculture.
5. The renacisme movements.
6. Theocentrism.
7- The crusade:

3) What is the main difference between “troubadours” and “minstrels”?
- The troubadours: were poets-musicians who usually belonged to the nobility. They had a great importance during the Middle Ages. His birth is located in an area of ​​southern France called Provence at the end of the eleventh century, and quickly spread through Europe, mainly by Germany, Italy and Spain.

-The minstrels: were itinerant musicians who not only played instruments and sang songs, but also performed all kinds of activities to amuse the people (jokes, magic, acrobatics, ...) They were low class and were not composers, as they were limited to copy and plagiarize the songs of the troubadours.

4) Pay attention to these two monuments (a Romanic church and a Gothic cathedral). What do their different heights have in common with the music evolution of those centuries?
La iglesia románica tiene pequeños arcos y tiene un techo alto.

5) What do you feel looking at these pictures (taken from the 19th century but directly linked to the Middle Ages)? In your own opinion, what kind of music could accompany these images?
I feel that music accompanies this type of images very well and that many times they are created so that people realize how important music is.

6) Why does Heavy Metal music love this aesthetic?
Because the aesthetics of the image goes a lot with that rhythm.