23 February 2019

My Diet.


Breakfast: a base of milk, and a few strawberries with a natural yogurt on top.
First lunch (school): chocolate cookies with 0% sugar.
Second lunch (school): loin sandwich.
Lunch: rice three delights (sausages, corn, omelet, mushrooms and bacon)
Snack: chocolate shake with an apple.
Dinner: zucchini omelet with asparagus and dessert azzor with milk.

I can improve my diet by eating more vegetables and legumes and many times when I eat I fill up and not like any piece of fruit or any milk, so I eat less and have dessert and so I stay better and I do my diet well.

18 February 2019



1. People will become more clever .
2. People won´t work in offices.

-Be going to: 
1. You´re going to buy the shoes.
2. What are you going tu buy?


Second part of the reading book: TUTANKHAMUN.

7. CHAPTER: The Valley of the Kings.
  • Was over: había terminado
  • Afterlifedespués de la muerte/ más allá
  • Treasures: tesoros 
  • Will...bury: enterrarán (a)
  • Locked: cerró (con llave)
  • A peg: una clavija 
8. CHAPTER: The accident in the Desert.
  • Pain: dolor
  • Badly injured: herido gravemente
9. CHAPTER: A Royal Funeral.
  • Wooden:  de madera
  • Casket: ataúd
10. CHAPTER: Ay´s Reign.
  • Damaged: causó daños a 
  • Lead: guiar a
  • Affairs: asuntos
  • Foreign: minister
11. CHAPTER: Horemheb, the Hero.
  • Didn´t trust: no se fiaba de...
  • Truth: verdad
  • Guests:  invitados 
12. CHAPTER: Horemheb`s Reign.
  • Missed: echaba de menos a...
  • Intended: destinada.

09 February 2019

Vocabulary Music.


Musical meaning: significado musical
Rhythm: ritmo
Dot: puntillo
Drums: bateria
Bar: compás (el espacio del pentagrama)
Time signature: compás (la fracción numérica)
Tempo: ``tempo´´
Chordophone: cordófono
String: cuerda
Rub: frotar
Guitar pick: púa
Violoncello: violonchelo
Tuning peg: clavija
Brass: viento metal
Mouthpiece: boquilla
Oboe: oboe
Trumpet: trompeta
Percussion: percusión
Soprano: soprano
Tenor: tenor
Grand piano: piano``de cola´´
Ligature: ligadura
Snare drum: caja
Clap: palmada
Orchestra: orquesta
Conductor: director
Esemble: formación musical
Aerophone: aerófono
Bow: arco
Pluck: pulsa, puntear
Viola: Viola
Double bass: contrabajo
Harp: arpa
Wooodwind: viento madera
Saxophone: saxofón
Clarinet: clarinete
French horn: trompa
Amplifier: amplificador
Mezzo-soprano: mezzo-soprano
Baritone: baritono
Kettle drum: timbal